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Radu-Mihai OANȚĂ,

PhD. Student, National Defense University “Carol I”,

[email protected]


Colonel (ret.), Professor, Engineer, Ph.D, National Defence University “Carol I”,

[email protected]

Abstract: In today’s society, knowledge represents a critical organizational resource which gives a long-lasting competitive advantage in a dynamic and perpetually transforming society. Organizations should more efficiently make use of cognitive resources, focusing on the way in which acquired experience and knowledge are shared from seniors to juniors. As a knowledge-oriented activity, knowledge sharing is an important means through which employees can contribute to the competitive advantage of the organization.

In the given article, we will be presenting issues related to understanding the concept of „knowledge sharing” from several theoretical perspectives, going through the existing literature in the field of knowledge sharing. The starting discussion has been on individual, interpersonal and team characteristics, diversity, organizational culture, motivational factors, rewards and recognition, benefits and expenditure, social networking and individual attitudes towards knowledge sharing.

Knowledge sharing could be the first step towards building up knowledge bank. In this context, we have taken over the World Bank revolutionary concept of knowledge bank and applied to achieving a knowledge bank for defense, public order and national security in the CAROL I National Defense University. Such a project is aimed at collecting, storing, processing and disseminating knowledge in the academic environment by means of descriptive coding which gives meta-structured data in a digital library, so that employing knowledge should be more simply and rapidly done.


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Mihai Dinca-Electronica-Manualul studentului vol-1 si vol-2